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Browse by Collection: North Carolina's Forest and Forest Products Industry by the Numbers

North Carolina's Forest and Forest Products Industry by the Numbers

By: Eric McConnell, James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Clay Altizer, Barry New

This publication discusses the contributions that North Carolina’s forests and forest products industry provide to the state’s economy and presents key figures and statistics.

Methodology for Determining Forest Sector Contributions to North Carolina's Economy

By: Eric McConnell, James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Clayton Altizer, Barry New Forestry Impacts

This factsheet describes in greater detail the methodology used to estimate the economic contributions of North Carolina’s forest products industry. It is a companion piece to the bulletin North Carolina’s Forests and Forest Products Industry By the Numbers, where a variety of figures and statistics are provided on the management and conversion of standing timber into primary and secondary wood and fiber products.