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Browse by Author: Mirza Farzana Halim
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Social Relationships Between Wineries and Local Communities: Perspectives of North Carolinians from the Piedmont

By: Jing Li, Shuangyu Xu, Mirza Farzana Halim, Carla Barbieri

This publication discusses the perspectives of locals in the North Carolina Triad with regard to social relationships between wineries and the communities.

North Carolina Women’s Success in Agritourism: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

By: Mirza Farzana Halim, Carla Barbieri, Susan Jakes, Duarte Morais

This publication presents the results of interviews with women in agritourism across North Carolina. It discusses the successes, challenges, and opportunities these women face in the agritourism industry and offers conclusions on strategies to overcome challenges and improve success.